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Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea is made ​​from fresh tea leaf buds that are left to wither before the wound, then heated and dried. Black tea is also known as fermented tea. Black tea benefits including lowering the risk of cancer, prevent heart disease, prevent aging and can also lower cholesterol levels in blood. ...

Coffee or Tea

When should choose coffee or tea, usually to be considered is the taste because they have proven equally healthy. But at certain moments, the benefits of tea or coffee can each surpass one another. However the content in tea and coffee is'n 1005  the same, so the choice between them should ...

Reduce inflammation of tonsils with Green Tea

Tonsillitis can be experienced by anyone both children and adults. There are various ways one can do to reduce the inflammation of the tonsils is experienced, one with green tea consumption. Tonsils are located at the back of the mouth, lining the sides of the throat. If there are bacteria or ...

Stop Hair Loss with Green Tea

Hair loss problems and infertility can be experienced by anyone, if not handled properly can cause baldness. But hair loss can be stopped by consuming green tea.  So far known to have the benefits of green tea to lose weight, prevent cancer and diabetes, boosts the immune system and eliminating ...

Reduce Bad Breath with Green Tea

Content of antioxidants in green tea is not only useful for fighting cancer. According to recent research, the content can also relieve halitosis or bad breath odors due to various reasons, including cavities. Antioxidant compounds called polyphenols are believed to eliminate the various causes ...