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Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea is made ​​from fresh tea leaf buds that are left to wither before the wound, then heated and dried. Black tea is also known as fermented tea. Black tea benefits including lowering the risk of cancer, prevent heart disease, prevent aging and can also lower cholesterol levels in blood. benefits of black tea is not separated from the diverse content of the compounds and their properties are is in black tea.

Over ninety percent of all tea sold in the West is black tea. All four varieties of tea (black, green, oolong, white) are made from leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, but black tea generally has more flavour and caffeine than the others. Because black tea keeps its flavour for several years, it has long been an article of trade and bricks of black tea even served as a form of currency in parts of Asia into the 19th century.

Below are the benefits of black tea for health :

Cardiovascular Health
Black tea is abundant in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, demonstrated to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, preventing damage in both the bloodstream and at artery walls, and lowering the risk of heart disease. Additionally, it has been shown that black tea flavonoids are able to both improve coronary vasodilation and reduce clots. Polypehnols found in black tea are also very strong antioxidants, and the manganese in black tea may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by helping cardiac muscle function.

Cancer Prevention
Polyphenols in tea seem to help in preventing formation of potential carcinogens in the body, particularly in certain types of cancer, such as ovarian, lung, prostate, colorectal, and bladder. Other studies reveal that black tea may help prevent stomach, prostate, and breast cancer. A compound in black tea called TF-2 causes such cancer cells to go into apoptosis (programmed cell death) while normal cells remain unaffected. One study on oral cancer showed that consuming black tea can significantly reduce the risk of oral cancer, particularly in those who smoke cigarettes and use other tobacco products.

Skin and Hair Health
The antioxidants in green tea may help keep your skin from being plagued by acne, and in some cases have been demonstrated to function equally as well as the harsher benzoyl peroxide used in so many skin products.

Bone and Connective Tissue
Studies indicate that the bones of regular tea drinkers are stronger than those of non-tea drinkers, even when other variables were adjusted for. Scientists theorize it may be an effect of the powerful tea’s phytochemicals.

Digestive Tract Health
The tannins in tea have a therapeutic effect on gastric and intestinal illnesses and make it a great digestive aid, used in China as such for thousands of years. These tannins decrease intestinal activity and exercise an antidiarrheal effect. The polyphenols in green tea have been demonstrated to have an effect on intestinal inflammation suffered by people afflicted with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

Brain and Nervous System
Unlike high levels of caffeine found in coffee, the low amounts in black tea promote blood flow in the brain without over stimulating the heart. The caffeine in black tea hones mental focus and concentration and studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate more fully on tasks. Black tea has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol after a month of drinking four cups of tea daily. The caffeine in black tea might also give your memory the boost it needs for a few hours and some studies suggest that a regular tea habit may help protect against Parkinson's disease.

Increased Energy
In moderation caffeine can be a benefit - in black tea it stimulates the metabolism, increases brain function and aids alertness. The caffeine in tea acts as more of a subtle stimulant, taking more than a few minutes to take effect, rather than hitting your system as quickly as coffee or cola. This effect is assisted by another compound found only in tea, theophylline. While caffeine chiefly targets the brain and muscles, theophylline stimulates the respiratory system, heart and kidneys. This helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Oral Health
Research suggests that catechin antioxidants in black tea may reduce oral cancers. Tea's polyphenols and tannin perform as antibiotics, preventing bacteria that cause tooth decay, and the polyphenols in tea can help to keep in check the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Immune System
Tea is full of substances called "tannins," which studies have shown have the ability to fight viruses such as influenza, dysentery and hepatitis. One such tannin named "catechin" helps suppress tumors. Black tea also contains alkylamine antigens, which help boost immune response.

Coffee or Tea

When should choose coffee or tea, usually to be considered is the taste because they have proven equally healthy. But at certain moments, the benefits of tea or coffee can each surpass one another. However the content in tea and coffee is'n 1005  the same, so the choice between them should be based on many considerations beyond the affairs of taste. One of them is a goal that at the time you want to get from the drink.
Excess tea and coffee at certain times based on the benefits to be obtained are as follows   

1. The time needed to boost stamina
Caffeine in coffee and tea are equally able to boost stamina by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure. The only difference being levels, in each 200 mL of tea contains an average of 14-16 mg of caffeine in 200 mL of coffee while the caffeine content could reach an average of 95 mL.

Choices: coffee, because caffeine content is higher, so the effect is stronger and faster.

2. When the need is always healthy
A study showed that drinking 4 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of type-2 diabetes by 30 percent. Other studies have shown. at least 3 cups of coffee each day can also reduce the risk of skin cancer as much as 9 percent.

However, long-term benefits of drinking tea each day also has a lot to prove, especially green tea. Antioxidant content in these drinks can strengthen the immune system, and the male is very effective in preventing prostate cancer.

Choices: Both are healthy to be consumed every day.

3. When he needed to lose weight
In general, caffeine has been shown to lower body weight and waist circumference. But specifically, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that green tea every day effectively shrink the stomach as much as 3.4 cm in 12 weeks only.

Choices: Tea, because of its effect in burn fat faster and make more efficient cell metabolism.

4. When the muscular body takes
If tea is more effective to burn fat, then copies the most effective form of muscle mass due to a higher caffeine content makes stimulansianya effect is getting stronger. When someone, especially men drink 2.5 cups of coffee before exercise then he can do sprints or sprint 9 percent farther.

Choices: Coffee, because muscles need stimulation to work harder. The more frequently used for heavy work, muscle mass will grow.

5. When the need to improve mood
Unlike the coffee that often makes the heart pounding because high levels of caffeine, tea is better suited to relieve the strain on the nerves. Even according to the European Journal of Applied Physiology, several types of teas such as camomile and lavender tea can relieve stress and anxiety just to smell the smell alone.

Choices: Tea, because the tradition in many countries such as Japan and China also has shown that the drink is best suited to complement the relaxation time.

Reduce inflammation of tonsils with Green Tea

Tonsillitis can be experienced by anyone both children and adults. There are various ways one can do to reduce the inflammation of the tonsils is experienced, one with green tea consumption.

Tonsils are located at the back of the mouth, lining the sides of the throat. If there are bacteria or viruses that infect, the tonsils get sick that often accompanied by irritation, redness, inflammation and itchy throat.

Yet the study found green tea may help fight bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing inflammation and calming irritation there, as quoted by Livestrong.

Researchers from Iowa State University said that green tea contains catechins, the antioxidants that can improve the immune system's response to the release of special proteins that attack viruses and bacteria.

Green tea may help enhance immune function to fight bacterial and viral infections that can cause swollen tonsils. And researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the consumption of decaffeinated green tea to boost immunity.

Besides green tea can also act as an anti-inflammatory and potentially reduce pain in the tonsils. Antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG may help reduce inflammation in the body including the tonsils.

And green tea has properties to inhibit bacterial growth and helps to reduce and neutralize the bacteria that is trapped in pockets of the tonsils that can cause infection.

Recommended to mix one teaspoon of green tea with 1 cup boiling water and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. To maximize the benefits the immune system and increase the consumption of recommended 2-4 cups of green tea every day.

Stop Hair Loss with Green Tea

Hair loss problems and infertility can be experienced by anyone, if not handled properly can cause baldness. But hair loss can be stopped by consuming green tea

So far known to have the benefits of green tea to lose weight, prevent cancer and diabetes, boosts the immune system and eliminating bad breath. But it turns out that the tea can also increase hair growth.

Hair growth cycle and is influenced by a few studies found that green tea has a positive impact on the hair cycle. There are several ways that allegedly committed in helping the growth of green tea, prevent and stop hair loss, namely:

1. Inhibit DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
The study found the main cause of hair loss is DHT, and the sensitivity of follicles to DHT can cause baldness. Green tea is thought to be a DHT inhibitor, because it increases levels of sex hormone binding globulin (sex hormone binding globulin / SBHG) that interacts with testosterone, thus preventing the formation of DHT.

2. Increase blood circulation to hair follicles
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols which is one of the essential molecules. In some studies of these substances can trigger the relaxation of the microcapillary circulation system in the hair follicle.

3. Stimulate hair growth
Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan and Seoul National University College of Medicine found positive evidence of the compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). In laboratory studies found that the growth of hair follicles become better and becomes longer when given EGCG.

4. Strengthen and moisturize hair
Some of the ingredients in green tea can be beneficial for the hair. The content of vitamin E can rejuvenate dry or damaged hair, vitamin C can protect hair from UV radiation damage and panthenol (provitamin) can increase the strength of the hair and makes it soft so it does not easily fall out.

Consuming green tea twice a day proved to be beneficial for overall health, including making the hair strong and healthy so that able to prevent and stop hair loss.

Reduce Bad Breath with Green Tea

Content of antioxidants in green tea is not only useful for fighting cancer. According to recent research, the content can also relieve halitosis or bad breath odors due to various reasons, including cavities.

Antioxidant compounds called polyphenols are believed to eliminate the various causes of bad breath. Even a variety of disorders associated with bad breath, such as cavities can also be prevented by diligent drinking green tea.

"Above all, we find the additional benefits of green tea in the field of oral health," wrote the researchers from Israel's Institute of Technology in the journal Archives of Oral Niology

Types of polyphenols or antioxidants in green tea can alleviate bad breath is epigallocatechin 3 gallate (EGCG). It is said in the report of experts, the content of EGCG is one of the most interesting component in green tea leaf.

This reinforces the benefits of black tea or green tea as a superfood or food or beverage with various properties. Previously, the content of polyphenols in green tea are believed to reduce cancer risk and protect the heart from damage.

Various previous studies even mention, the content of antioxidants in green tea can prevent a variety of neurological disorders caused by the aging process. Neurological disorders including Parkinson's and is one form of dementia that is alzherimer.

In essence, green tea raw material hardly different from the raw material of black tea. The difference lies only in the processing process, which makes green tea has less caffeine content but it has more polyphenol levels.

Since thousands of years ago, this one kind of tea is traditionally be consumed by the population of China and the Far East. Usually timinum without sugar, so the number of confirmed very few calories and is suitable for people who are dieting to slim down.