Tea for Healthy Skin - For women, healthy skin is a dream and became one of the most important aspects of beauty. But the sun, gravity, free radicals, and poor diet negatively affect skin health. Given the skin cells have a short lifetime, only a few days, the skin can be one of the early indicators of changes in nutrition. In one case, a lack of nutrients can quickly produce skin health problems. In other cases, proper nutrition can result in a rapid and strong effect to correct the problem.
One of the essential nutrients for healthy skin is collagen. Collagen is a structural protein that serves to tighten the skin cells so that a person's appearance will look younger. Relationships with collagen elastin (a protein found in the body's elastic) make skin tight, elastic, and smooth. When free radicals attack the collagen, these radicals can damage molecules.
When this occurs, the appearance of facial skin and also be impressed older. The problem is exacerbated by the presence of the enzyme collagenase which will damage collagen. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can be a stable molecule that are susceptible to free radicals and is also a major threat to the firmness. Exposure to excessive sunlight is a major contributor to premature aging and skin wrinkles.
Antioxidants, including catechins in tea can protect the skin from free radical damage. Tea catechins are generally able to protect the health of collagen and elastin and maintain skin elasticity. Catechins do this by realigning these proteins become younger without damaging the existing form. Among the catechins contained in tea, EGCG (catechin epigalo gallate) and ECG (epi catechin gallate) showed the strongest effect on reducing collagenase enzyme activity. The addition of dietary antioxidants, such as tea catechins may reduce the likelihood of skin wrinkled. Given such importance benefit tea for women's health, is now no longer any reason not to put a tea as a main drink.