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CranBerry Green Tea Smoothie

CranBerry Green Tea Smoothie - Have tried Green Tea Granita recipe or Green Tea-Kiwi And Mango Smoothie? Well, this time presenting ResepRecipe.Com prescription-Cran-Berry Green Tea Smoothie, one drink recipe creations, for all you who like to experiment with your beloved kitchen. This recipe we ...

Tea Smoothie Recipes

1. Green Tea Smoothie Green Tea Smoothie Ingredients: 1 decaffinated green or white tea bag 2/3 cup water 1/2 cup mango, cubed 1 wedge fresh lime juice 2 cups crushed ice 2. Mondo Mango Smoothie I love a good, ripe mango and adding it to a smoothie ...

2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body

2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body - At tea time found dozens century BC, tea drink called heaven. Tea is believed to be a means of drugs and meditation. The longer drink tea more popular and entrenched as an enjoyment and pleasure. Until now the scientific have plenty of evidence that ...