Tea Prevent Breast Cancer - In the 1950s, one in twenty American women found to be exposed to the risk of breast cancer (breast cancer). Recent data says one out of nine women have similar risk. Of more concern, 44,300 women die each year from this disease. Why are so many women who suffer from this deadly disease?. The researchers looked for answers to these questions and identifies many factors. Experts have examined several factors that cause this deadly disease. The causative factors of breast cancer are: a family history of breast cancer, menstruate before the age of 12, began menopause at a very dusk, gave birth to her first child after age 30 years, had never given birth, had a body weight 40% above normal.
Research laboratories linking between tea and breast cancer indicate that tea polyphenols, especially in the form of EGCG (Epigalocatechin Gallate), successfully inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells in mice. Tea extract is able to interact with the promoters, hormones and tumor growth factors, to cover cancer cells. EGCG also slow the growth of cancer cells.
When the researchers at Nagoya City University Medical School, Nagoya, Japan, examined the anticancer potential of antioxidants contained in nature, they concluded that tea catechins in the top position in the prevention of breast cancer. Of course, this conclusion has passed a fairly accurate contemplation.
A group of rats was given a carcinogenic compounds that can increase the risk of breast cancer. In general the whole antioxidant successful in improving the lives of these animals during the 36 week study. However, the group of mice fed a diet of tea have smaller tumors and fewer. From these data the researchers concluded that of all the antioxidants tested, the effects of tea catechins compounds present as the most profitable because there are no animals that die from breast tumors during the study. One that could be interpreted is tea catechins (whether it's black tea or green tea) inhibits the growth of breast tumors.
Hopefully this article Tea Prevent Breast Cancer can be made useful and inspiring to you.