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CranBerry Green Tea Smoothie

CranBerry Green Tea Smoothie - Have tried Green Tea Granita recipe or Green Tea-Kiwi And Mango Smoothie? Well, this time presenting ResepRecipe.Com prescription-Cran-Berry Green Tea Smoothie, one drink recipe creations, for all you who like to experiment with your beloved kitchen. This recipe we got from various sources of reliable references, so please direct aja ya listened carefully.

Here are the materials required in the manufacture of Cran-Berry-Green Tea Smoothie. Please pay close attention to the number of measuring yeah, so the results are as expected.

Ingredients Required
  • ½ cup frozen cranberries
  • ¼ cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup frozen blackberries
  • 5 frozen strawberries
  • 1 banana (ripe)
  • ½ cup of green tea (which has been brewed), cooled at room temperature
  • ¼ cup of soy milk with no flavor (plain)
  • 2 tablespoons honey or brown sugar

How to Make
  • Put all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth.
  • Serve.

Hopefully this article CranBerry Green Tea Smoothie can be made useful and inspiring to you.

Tea Smoothie Recipes

1. Green Tea Smoothie
Green Tea Smoothie Ingredients:
  • 1 decaffinated green or white tea bag
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1/2 cup mango, cubed
  • 1 wedge fresh lime juice
  • 2 cups crushed ice

2. Mondo Mango Smoothie
I love a good, ripe mango and adding it to a smoothie with sherbet ice cream is delicious. Forget about the the nutrients in mango as well as the fiber, you’ll want this for the great taste.

Mondo Mango Smoothie Ingredients :
  • 1/2 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 cup orange sherbet
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups mango, sliced
  • 2 cups ice
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice

3. Orange Mango Smoothie
Orange Mango Smoothie Ingredients
  • 1/2 Mango
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 2 oranges
  • 1/4 cold water
Peel the mango, oranges and bananas and put in the blender. Blend until smooth. You may not need the water, but if it is too thick add water now and blend again.

2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body

2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body
2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body - At tea time found dozens century BC, tea drink called heaven. Tea is believed to be a means of drugs and meditation. The longer drink tea more popular and entrenched as an enjoyment and pleasure. Until now the scientific have plenty of evidence that in addition to scrumptious tea drinks are healthy.

With advances in chemistry and medical science today, research health aspects of tea drinking intensified done especially green tea.

Steeping green tea green and yellow, translucent look shiny, and very interesting to drink. It felt a little bitter, and a little impressed sepet sweet. Drink green tea is said to excite a gentle, so too can bring tranquility but not sleepy. Water tea is very hygienic, safe and healthy for the human body.

The content of green tea
Benefits of green tea for health is evident from the research and from the tradition of using green tea to help the first few cases of the disease. This is because green tea contains catechins that are nutritious and caffeine.

Tea polyphenols or often referred to as the tannins are substances contained in tea plants. Tannins are not tanning, bagik affect the tract and include catechins group. There are six major catechins contained in tea

  1. Catechin
  2. Epicatechin
  3. Galokatekin
  4. Epikatekingalat
  5. Epigalokatekin
  6. Epigalokatekingalat

Among these six catechin last two catechin tea plays a major role in the ability of health care.

Catechins in green tea with roughly the same amount found in fresh tea leaves, especially when the enzyme iaktivasi oksidasenya (in processing) is perfect.

Tea catechins are known to be anti-microbial (bacteria and viruses), anti-oxidation, anti-radiation, mmeperkuat blood vessels, launched urine secretion, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and others.

In the processing of tea, caffeine did not change much until the amount in the dried tea is relatively similar to that found in fresh leaves. Caffeine acts as a stimulant or stimulant nerve, muscle and kidney. In small doses of caffeine cause increased mental activity, sensory interpretation to be faster and the power of thought will be a clear and increasing. However, in large amounts, caffeine can cause a person to become agitated, thousands and convulsions.

Hopefully this article 2 Content of Green Tea Useful For Body  can be made useful and inspiring to you.