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4 Benefits of Black Tea

4 Benefits of Black Tea - Several studies have important to know the benefits of green tea, the drink of choice in the Far East. But elsewhere in the world, especially in Europe and the Middle East, occupying the highest position of black tea, and even fewer studies have examined the efficacy of black tea. 

In the case of antioxidants, black tea is one level below the green tea. Tea is the most commonly used and the most popular in the West, originally black tea is green tea with further drying - that result in changes color and taste. Black tea is oxidized and fully fermented. So the color changed to black and it feels more powerful and distinctive. Oxidation process was stopped when the aroma and flavor have been obtained. The leaves are further crushed to various sizes, sorted out and stored in accordance with their size.

Black tea is the foundation of the popular tea varieties. And many people may be happy to know that black tea, in addition to being fun drinks, really can be good for health.

Recent studies in leading medical journals claim that black tea a potential heart tonic for, cancer blocker, fat laxative, immune stimulant, arthritis deduction, killer viruses and lowering bad cholesterol.

Here is how black tea can potentially benefit your health:

  1. Black Tea Save artery. Drinking black tea helps prevent clogged arteries and restore the function of damaged arteries that can trigger heart attacks and strokes. In arecent test, Joseph Vita, MD, of Boston University School of Medicine, had heart patients drink plain water or four cups of black tea each day. Within a month, reduced vascular disorders (risk factors for heart attack and stroke) increased by about 50% in black tea drinkers.
  2. Black Tea Inhibit the growth of cancer. Tea has long been associated with a lower risk of stomach cancer, colon and breast cancer, but this correlation has not been proven. Current laboratory study found that black tea chemicals actually may stop cancer growth. Rutgers University researchers showed that compounds in black tea called TF-2 caused colorectal cancer cells "commit suicide" and the normal cells unaffected.
  3. Black tea reduces inflammation. TF-2, a novel anti-cancer compound found in black tea, suppress Cox-2 gene that triggers inflammation, according to research at Rutgers.
  4. Black Tea disable the virus. Previous tests prove black tea can neutralize germs, including some that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections. New research by Milton Schiffenbauer of Pace University finds that black and green tea disables viruses, including herpes. When you drink tea, according to him, most likely you will disable the virus in your mouth.
Hopefully this article 4 Benefits of Black Tea  can be made useful and inspiring to you.