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Tea can for Blood Sugar Control?

Tea can for Blood Sugar Control - Controlling sugar levels by drinking a cup of hot tea? Surely it would be fun. The researchers believe it can be done, especially with the use of tea from Africa.

A team of researchers from Denmark is developing a treatment for type 2 diabetes with the help of a special African tea is produced from leaves of Rauvolfia vomitoria extract and citrus aurantium.

Researchers have recently just completed a clinical trial conducted on 23 patients with type 2 diabetes and are satisfied with the results obtained.

"The research subjects drank 750 ml of tea each day. Tea was apparently different from other type 2 diabetes medications because initially invisible affect the sugar content in the blood. However, after four months of consuming tea, it appears a significant increase in glucose tolerance, "said lead investigator of the Copenhagen Universitu, Joan Campbell-Tofte as quoted in beatdiabetestype2. com, recently.

According to the researchers, the study also showed changes in fatty acid patterns in patients who drink tea than the group that did not consume.

"In patients who drank tea, unsaturated fatty acid levels increased. It was very good because it makes it easier to penetrate the cell membrane so body cells can absorb more glucose in the blood, "he explained.

Previously, the team has also been testing the tea from Nigeria. The results showed that after six weeks of treatment with the African tea used in combination with a diet low in fat and are a combination of changes in the amount of fat in the eye and protection of the weak pancreas.

Hopefully this article  Tea can for Blood Sugar Control can be made useful and inspiring to you.