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Tea Prevent Osteoporosis

Tea Prevent Osteoporosis - Osteoporosis is a disease that is not visible. This disease develops without obvious symptoms. Patients only realized when there is weight loss, change in posture, cracks or fractures in any part of his body.

Osteoporosis develops when the bones become extremely porous and fragile due to lack of calcium and other minerals. This should not be underestimated considering osteoporosis ranks 12th leading cause of death. In America alone, the number of people with osteoporosis is more than 2 million inhabitants. Unfortunately, four-fifths of whom are women. Osteoporosis is certainly not the only disease for women. Kulitpun breast cancer and is an extremely familiar with the life of a woman who should not be underestimated.

Treatment for osteoporosis is still considered very low and had a small success rate. However, the disease can be prevented. Strong bones and thick is the best defense against osteoporosis. Exercising and maintaining calcium and other essential minerals optimal throughout life can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. During childhood and adolescence, adequate calcium and vitamin D in the diet is essential for the development of strong bones and thick. At middle age, when the amount of calcium is reduced for the purpose of maintenance of bones, calcium intake can slow the rate of bone loss.

Tea Prevent Osteoporosis - Bones undergo a process ongoing. Old bone is replaced by new bone. If the replacement of old bone, occurring at a rate faster than the replacement with a new one, then the case of osteoporosis being so open. Unfortunately, recent research data confirms that women are likely to have osteoporosis, eight times more than men. Her bones were relatively small and hormonal changes that accompany manopouse, placing women have a greater risk for this disease was rewarded. Based on the analysis of the results of bone resorption in animal studies, tea catechins may reduce the high absorption causes excessive bone loss. Epidemiologic studies in human populations support this theory.

Recognized in this study, the tea has been identified by the Mediterranean Osteoporosis Study as a protective factor against osteoporosis. The results of recent research reported that tea catechins supplementation can improve and normalize the function of the structure of cartilage in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. Four young girls aged 4-12 years who have this disease get treatment with tea catechins over a month. Broken bones are significantly reduced. Microscopic results on their bones showed that many parameters that were previously normal bone has become normal again. Although further research is still needed, this case study are very promising.

Hopefully this article Tea Prevent Osteoporosis can be made useful and inspiring to you.