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5 Benefits of Green Tea

5 Benefits of Green Tea - Benefits of green tea is a lot, but still confusing, so many people are misguided in applying treatment with green tea. Green tea is known as "extraordinary remedy" is known to give the drinker a variety of health benefits. Among the benefits of green tea is the most reliable is as follows:

1. Lowering Cancer Risk
Many studies have shown that people who drink green tea have a much lower risk of cancer. Green tea polyphenols are strong antioxidants, especially to the brain. Some research suggests that the most common polyphenols in green tea, catechins, are much more potent in suppressing free radicals than vitamin C or E.

The ability of green tea to prevent cancer has been known to recent studies examine green tea as a potential cancer therapy. Green tea is very good for treating lung cancer in smokers.

Green tea has been shown to counteract the effects of carcinogenesis (cancer-causing). Several studies have shown that green tea inhibits the formation of certain tumors. Because green tea is very beneficial for reducing the risk of cancer, it would be more suitable for drinking as a daily beverage or supplement.

2. Green Tea Lowers Cholesterol and Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease
Green tea has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels. Strong antioxidant effect of green tea inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries. Where it plays a major role in the formation of atherosclerosis.

Formation of blood clots, also known as thrombosis, is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes. Green tea has been shown to inhibit abnormal blood clot formation as effectively as aspirin. When looking at risk factors for blood clots, especially green tea inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion by different effects of aspirin.

3. Green Tea Lowers Blood Pressure
Green tea blocks the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), an enzyme secreted by the kidneys, which is a significant cause of hypertension. By blocking the effects of ACE, blood pressure decreased significantly, and with it, the risk of heart attack and stroke is also reduced.

Studies have shown a decrease in blood pressure in animals and humans given green tea extract. If you are going to use green tea to treat hypertension, done under the supervision of a competent expert tea. Routine testing of your blood pressure is mandatory.

4. Green Tea Prevents Tooth Damage.
The formation of dental plaque, bacterial colonies formed on the surface of the teeth causing tooth decay, has been shown to be inhibited by the catechins. Green tea has been shown to inhibit Streptococcus mutans, the main bacteria involved in tooth decay. Decrease in bacterial cell membrane fluidity, caused by, results catechins in antiplaque activity. Tea has also been shown to have positive effects in the fight against gum disease.

5. Green Tea Inhibits Virus
Green tea has been known to lower blood sugar levels. It can also kill certain bacteria and is effective against Staph. Green tea inhibits several viruses, including hepatitis viruses. Green tea catechins and theaflavins and through its gallates, have shown antibacterial properties.

Others have shown that catechins effectively kill almost every type of bacteria that causes food poisoning. It also disables the toxin produced by the bacteria. At the same time, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. There is evidence that green tea inhibits the flu virus. It has been proven by laboratory studies that green tea extract protects against many common degenerative diseases.

Hopefully this article 5 Benefits of Green Tea  can be made useful and inspiring to you.