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Tea and Oral Health

Tea and Oral Health - A research has shown that the chemical content in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses from throat infections, dental caries and other diseases of the mouth. This further gives a bright outlook for the industry toothpaste and mouthwash by adding tea extracts in the product. Results were presented at the meeting of the American Society for Microbiology that discusses the health benefits of tea.

Based on information from a microbiological from Pace University in the United States, Milton Schiffenbauer, revealed that green tea is better in fighting viral activity. Research does indicate that tea extracts can destroy the organisms that cause disease in the human body. He also added that, if we want to stimulate the immune system and at the same time we can destroy harmful organisms, it is reasonable to prefer to consume tea.

Tea prevents bad breath
Recent research has investigated the green tea and black tea for oral health. The results obtained showed that caffeinated green tea is the best against the virus, followed by caffeinated black tea. While tea dekafein (no / little caffeine) is less effective as an antiviral agent.

The results of other studies explain that chemical content in tea such as polyphenols can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. Christine Wu, a researcher from the University of Illinois at Chicago, said that the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth can be reduced by drinking black tea. Besides its polyphenols can also nourish the inside of the mouth due to polyphenol components can eliminate the cause of bad breath is produced by pathogenic bacteria.

But a researcher from the University of Sheffield Dental School in the UK, Dr. Ian Douglas, found not too early to conclude on this matter before any clinical trials. But he agreed when tea can be used as additional factors or ingredients to combat oral disease. He also still recommend to always use conventional toothpaste that contains fluoride until there is more information about the oral health benefits of tea.

Hopefully this article Tea and Oral Health can be made useful and inspiring to you.